Wireless All-Weather Home Security Camera

Art direction and thoughtful design for a new generation of home security cameras.


Learnings / Considerations / Constraints

The innovation business group had already launched the first version of Logitech’s Circle camera and were now prepared to release their next version. With an updated form factor and the new ability to withstand the adverse effects of rain and snow, the group was interested in finding a way to communicate this new feature benefit in an instant.

Armed with an early prototype of the camera, and a key to our humble photography studio, the process of finding the right angles to highlight the camera’s forms and curves had started. Once the proper angle had been established, the next phase was lighting, with a focusing on highlights, shadows, cut sheens, and capturing the glossy black plastic.

A handheld spray bottle was filled with water, and the face prototype was sprayed repeatedly until only the residual droplets remained. This process would be repeated several times as the heat from the overhead and directional photography lighting was causing rapid evaporation on the plastic. The image was eventually captured with and without the water treatment, retouched, and eventually used throughout the campaign.

A gloss varnish treatment was also applied to each of the water droplets, creating the illusion of being wet, when light reflected off the image. It was successful in leveraging cost-effective printing techniques in order to create an impactful visual, while also addressing the needs of the business group.

A white version of the Circle 2 packaging was created for Apple retail stores as part of the initial worldwide product launch. The remainder of the package uses lifestyle imagery, inset images promoting additional accessories and product extensions, and supporting marketing copy.

Decals, window clings, and other marketing assets were also created as a part of the campaign, including online videos, billboards, posters, bus stop adverts, and other marketing collateral. Once opened the product reveal is straight-forward and honest, in order to represent the implied simplicity of its design, setup and use.